Baby on the Christmas List 🎄


As the title says, all I want for Christmas is to get a BFP. My husband and I have been ttc #1 for 2 years in December. We are so ready to bring a little healthy baby in this world. My amazing husband is my rock. He knows how much I hurt every month. 💔 It is extremely hard to find the positive when AF arrives but I just have to remind myself that it is a fresh start.

Well yesterday we went Black Friday shopping at our local mall and he saw my face light up when I saw these cute outfits. I was quick to turn them down because I am not expecting and I don’t know what sex we would have. 😞 Well my husband being the awesome man he is told me to buy both. We plan on having more than one child and who knows we might have both. ♥️ We absolutely love Disney and are going to grow up our children watching the classics.

My fingers and toes are crossed for a hopeful December. We are trying something new this cycle, Preseed. I know it’s not magic and it might not work; however, there are so many success stories that we figured why not. I really want to be able to give my husband the best present in the world. 🎁👶🏻