how do you know he's the one?

honestly, how do you know if you're with the right guy? do people just decide to commit, get married and make it work?

did you ever wonder if the grass is greener on the other side before or after getting married?

this is especially for complicated ladies such as myself... I'm super independent and strong headed, so is my bf. we are otherwise complete opposites in every way. there is a lot of friction and tension and it's far from perfect but I also can't imagine ever being with anyone else.

it's getting close to thinking about getting married and I'm just not sure. reading through posts and hearing about other people's relationships makes me wonder if mine is just not a good fit or if people just commit, keep issues quiet and decide to work it out, accept the fact that there's always gonna be certain struggles in the relationship, realistically, and people just show off only the good parts.

any advice welcome!