Need some grandma advice please

Spring Momma 🐞🐝💐🌿 • 31| Married 💍 SAHM of two 👧🏻💕 👶🏻💙

So I love my mom very much, she’s gone through a lot since my younger sister committed suicide a few years back so I’ve always been sensitive to her when it comes to anything confrontational. Husband and I have a two year old daughter and I’m pregnant with our son, I always went to my mom for advice and and suggestions regarding our daughter when she was a newborn but after a while I started to back off a bit. It seemed like all the information I was sharing about our daughter was giving my mom a way to kinda break me down in the way we raise our daughter and always making things a competition like our daughter loving her more or wanting to be with her more. My mom would complain to me about how come I don’t share with her anymore, so that there wouldn’t be any drama I just would tell her if we have it under control or we figured it out with the pediatrician.Every-time she doesn’t agree with something we are doing with the upbringing of our daughter she makes me feel like I’m stupid or incompetent and in getting tired of it, for example we are in the process of potty training our daughter and it isn’t working out as well as we thought so I’ve been taking different approaches. My mom didn’t believe me that our daughter didn’t want to go potty on her training potty so she forced our daughter to sit on the potty and she ended up having a tantrum and crying fit. The other day she mentioned that our daughter was lazy for not wanting to go potty right in front of my SIL when we weren’t even talking about potty training. I don’t understand why she’s trying to make me look like a bad mom for not raising my daughter the way she wants. Any advice would be appreciated thanks.