So I went with a friend to a "party" when I get their my friend makes me a drink. I see her making the drink but I look over and I see people doing drugs. So I taste the drink and I can see it tastes strong like super strong alcohol but I assume it's been sitting out. My friend ask the party thrower what she put in the alcohol she says "coke" I instantly get up and starts to panic then she says "oh I thought you asked what their doing we didn't put nothing in the Hennessy" I'm freaking out!!! I don't smoke drink or anything. I only took 2 sips of the drink.... what do I do, is there anyway to get it out? My friend has been sober from any drugs for 6 years but she did try coke before and she told me she can tell there's nothing in the alcohol but I can't trust her right now *i did leave the party after she said that and Once I seen people doing drugs*