My boyfriend won't be sexual or physical with me


So my boyfriend and I have been dating for nearly three months and I know that's not long at all but it took three weeks for us our first kiss. I really really like him, he makes me laugh hard, the kind of laughing that makes your stomach ache like you've done 50 crunches. He's gorgeous, like a Hollywood movie star- stunning, with curly, styled brown hair, warm brown eyes, and lean, muscular physique with abs, with a height of 5'11. He's a swimmer and super into fitness just like me. He's a potterhead as am I. He's from Mexico and I'm half Colombian, which is so amazing because he understands part of my culture and my love of family and we both speak Spanish. He's also super down to earth despite his very fortunate upbringing and I admire how real and genuine he is. He's brave, a leader, very involved, sweet, and he's an AMAZING dancer. When we dance together there's like this cord, a connection between us and it's electrifying. The way he looks at me when I'm dancing within his arms sets all of my nerves on fire.

And despite all these amazing things and more, I'm frustrated. I've tried making the first move, playing coy, flirting, and it's just really hard to get him to kiss me. He's very affectionate in the romantic way, but we haven't made out yet and I really want to. We almost did but he stopped us when we started getting heated because he heard someone coming around the corner. I don't want to sound horny or shallow but I really want to kiss him and I want to feel wanted. Like the way he looks at me when we dance, with lust...I don't get that unless we dance. He's so polite and caring, I don't know if he's afraid of hurting me or crossing boundaries, but I just don't know how to make it clear that I want him. I want the long night talks AND the hot steamy make out sessions.

I guess what I'm asking is, how do I make myself clear to him? How do I make my wishes and desires known without coming across as creepy or something?

(We are both 18 and in high school)