period after baby!?


Hey lady's, okay so here's the deal I started my period yesterday. what's bugging me is my daughter is 6 months old and we ebf so this is my first one sence she was born. anyways its HEAVY 😩 the first day I was cooking thanksgiving so I couldn't slow down. but I did pass 4 HUGE blood clots the size of a lime, I was cramping like crazy, bleeding throw pads every hour or sooner. then it was off black Friday shopping the rest of the day. I was hoping it would slow down but it has not. I have gone throw 11 super plus tampon 5 super tampons all while having HUGE thick pads under I have used 16 pads just today 😲 Dude us this normal!? with my first born I didn't have one till she was 16 months it old and it was light n normal. this is making me feel like I'm going to bleed out if I cough!!! I'm not on bc I'm married so we have been using the pull put method 😯 other then cramping seriously bad, in just so flipping tierd 😴😴 amd I have a a bad headache... NORMAL???