a sign???


I'll try make this as short as poss... so my periods are all messed up.. the longest I've gone without af showing it's ugly face after my last period is 3 weeks... I'm currently 12dpo 3 weeks 2 days after my last period I haven't got any af symptoms nor pregnancy symptoms, breasts aren't sore they always get sore a week before af due... my cat isn't a cuddly kinda cat she likes her own space but will come for a quick stroke then off she goes again... this morning she has come to lay on me for about an hour across my tummy and has only just got up because I have just disturbed her taking these pics😂... do you ladies think this is my sign? Or am I clutching at straws?

this angle my cat looks fat I promise she isn't overweight and she is a tiny cat silly camera angles 🙈 p.s I've been ttc for a year now 😞

ladies only 30 minutes later and she's back again! next to me but shes being so cuddly 😍😍 please please please be my sign 🤞🤞🤞