
OK so according to the first day of my last period I should be around 7weeks

I've had only faint positive tests the entire time thanksgiving day I started cramping and bleeding reddish brown not as much as my normal period (one pad lasted all day) but much more than implantation bleeding (which I had exactly 1 week ago) today Friday I had more cramps and was still "bleeding" but mostly only when I wipe and although I did see 2 small clots they were not like me first miscarriage(at 8 weeks) at all thwyvlook like normal period clots...

my normal flow IS HEAVY on day one and two like pad FILLING heavy

.... I am honestly confused

with my middle Child I had bad cramping and heavy spotting with clots but not enough to need a pad.... so this is heavier but could it be the same thing? the cramping stopped fully a few hours ago and now I am super nauseated..... hubby is bringing 💲🌳 tests for later (after the blood stops) so we can just test and see but I'm curious if anyone else has had an experience like this I have 3 kids so we weren't trying exactly but the idea has grown on us some....


just went to the restroom and I'm only getting pink when I wipe now