Read this!!

Hello everyone!!

I just wanted to get on here and write this post because I hope it will help at least one of you.

I’ve been ttc for baby #1 since April (of this year). I became obsessed with it, the whole ovulation tests, my apps, discussion boards like this, etc. because no one really knew we were trying so this is what I did when I wanted to talk to someone about how hard it was or how stressed/depressed I was but time and time again I got a BFN test. Every single month, I would cry when my period would start, a couple months back it was 30 days late! Oh and I was also completely obsessed with peeing on those dang sticks! A waste of money because I would do it on 6-8DPO like knowing it would be negative.

I felt like I’ve seen everyone announce on Facebook or my friends telling me so and so is pregnant and deep down, I was like what is wrong with me?! I’m a healthy upper 20- year old that wants a baby so badly!

This month though, I told myself to stop. My husband told me to stop. Stop the stressing, stop the obsessions, and just live life before this whole ttc started. Was it SO hard not to constantly look at this app/or even take ovulation tests?! Am I crazy? Yes. It was difficult but I told myself I wasn’t going to do anything. It would happen when it does. Just enjoyed my life with my husband, enjoyed thanksgiving with my family and friends.

I didn’t take every single symptom and analyze it like “oh I coughed, pregnant?” Because been there done that. (I will say, I woke up two days ago and had some different cramps I’ve ever felt before and I thought “hm, maybe?” and that’s when I was like I’ll test in a couple days)


Guys, I’m still in shock but please, if you get one thing from this, stress will make you struggle even more with this process, in more ways then one. The ONE month I didn’t focus on actually TRYING to get pregnant, is the only month I did! Coincidence? I think not. So let go, and let God (or anything you believe in!)

Good luck to every single person on this app! I trust you all will get pregnant when the timing is right! (Maybe not when you think or want!)