How soon did you start TTC after a second trimester loss?

Heather • Jesus Freak • Wife to a Werewolf🐺• Mom to 3 Boys earth side🐾 🐾🐾• 1 Baby Girl in Heaven🦋

Lost our daughter at 23 weeks. I’m wanting to try again like now but I know I need to give my body time to heal. I feel totally normal and it’s been almost 3 weeks. Other then some minor spotting here and there no signs of pregnancy anymore. I know I need to give myself time to grieve and the urgency/need for another baby is part of my processing , But I know I gotta wait 9 months from whenever it actually happens and it’s making me anxious. Everyone around me is getting pregnant. Like all my family members. It’s crushing me trying to stay strong and not be jealous. I just want my baby 💜