Boyfriend...or not so much¿


Okay so me and this guy were dating (both juniors in HS) and I was basically grounded like the whole time we were dating so we agreed to end the relationship cuz it was stupid I only saw him at school (due to the fact I was grounded)

Anyways so we still like each other and he’s SUPERRR flirty with me and always kissing my cheek and neck and stuff in class but he only does this in certain classes or around certain people. Other times he acts like he doesn’t even know friends that I play soccer with asked him if we were friends and his response was “idk why I dated her she’s ugly” when I asked him about it he said he was “just playing” and got mad st me for being so upset about it!! In the end we worked things about but I still feel weird about it....

is he embarrassed of me or just using me to basically be his make out buddy ?? I need advice ughhh