UPDATE I put my roommate out last night for hitting my baby

Thank u commenters!

I filed a police report early this morning. I couldn’t even sleep. Thinking back on certain things I believe in my heart this isn’t the first time. Can u believe this bitch had the audacity to update a status on Facebook saying friends ain’t real my best friend put me out with nowhere to go 🙄I liked the status but she eventually blocked me before I could comment on her abusing my baby. I took my son to er the same night it happened. Forgot to mention in the original post. Every time I see his head I get pissed over again and wanna rip her to shreds. But I’m not dropping my guns, def following through with pressing charges. Sucks my childhood friend turned out to be an evil bitch

@Anais Maddox: I didn’t erase any comments hun... maybe u can repost it? thanks for the well wishes

My roommate was living with me since July to save up for own place. She never was on the lease or anything. But was giving me $75 on the 15th each month towards the bills and rent which is $860.

Anywho, I have a 8 month old son. Unfortunately since the passing of my mom, my roommate volunteered to babysit (3 days a week) so I wouldn’t have to pay for a daycare.

Last month She started making comments saying I need to start spanking my son, he’s getting out of control, I need to discipline him. I told her he’s just a baby not thinking much of it.

Well yesterday as I pulling into my driveway from work early she called me saying “I popped and pinched Jacob as hard as I could today because he pulled the night light out the wall” I jumped out my car, stormed inside asking her WTF did she say, she told me to calm down it was a joke 🙄 he’s in the room sleep. I checked on him of course. Still I’m upset because who the hell playfully says shit like that...

Later that evening, I’m in the bathroom I hear my roommate yelling for me couldn’t really hear what she was saying, so I go back to the living room (she didn’t know I was coming back cause I left the shower running) and seen this bitch hit my son with so much fucking force he falls on his head from the impact. Everything else happened so fast all I remember is picking him up, calming him and tell her to get out! I’m not sure how much time passed, but I realized she was still there I go to her room told her to leave she said no. I say again “Jessica u have 3 minutes to leave my house or you’re going to take this ass-whipping” I guess I looked possessed because she finally got her shit and left.

I need to know if what I did was right? Im not aware of any laws. I’m still shaken up because of my son being hit and falling on his head but she’s been calling me since this morning. Do I need to call cps? Or file a police report just in case? All advice is needed. I’m in Ohio. And I’m 22 btw.