just venting

I'm not meant to be happy.. ever since I turned 13 years old.. Im just not meant to be happy.. happy things happen.. but they don't last.. everytime something good happens that will go tumbling down along woth other good things.. just not meant to be happy. And now for some fucking reason im having difficulties concieving a second child.. why? I'm perfectly healthy.. I concieve with no problem before why the fuck can I not conceive again. it's killing me.. And I have no friends.. no friends at all to talk to about things. my husband is supportive but he doesn't fully understand my pain and he doesn't believe that im not meant to be happy.. but its so true.. even with us together.. something amazing happens to us only for it to go tumbling down and then one by one bad things happen. 😭😭😭 im getting so depressed and I don't know what to do... I just need to vent. I want to cry.. why am i not meant to be happy. What am i going in life to deserve this ? Like dont get me wrong im happy. I have my son and my husband and I love them so very much and they make me happy.. but im just not happy..  everything is always crashing.. at the slightest peak of joy shit goes bad. Its like I'm cursed but why 😭😭😭