Am I too emotional ?


I’ve been having complications with my pregnancy, supposed to be between 4-5 weeks.

Started with spotting on Thursday, family doctor said not to worry.

When I woke Friday, after going to pee, I noticed I was bleeding more.

End up in ER after work. Did blood work, hgc is pretty low (203) which is an increase since few days ago but far from doubling (171 Tuesday). The ER doctor asked to come back in am for ultrasound.

I went home to get rest and could hardly sleep due to intense abdominal pain and cramps. Was bleeding quite heavy overnight. I gave in and took Advil, pain was unbearable.

Came back for the ultrasound. Had to be internal as the wand wasn’t showing much.

Now back in ER as per doctor’s request to do more blood work, then go over ultrasound and blood results once ready.

I know it’s not helping but I’m just having a complete emotional breakdown in last couple days. Am I too emotional or is this normal for women who have issue like me? I honestly couldn’t even life yesterday, all I want to do is cry and crawl in the corner. I am scared to say the least.

Hoping for the best but so far not looking too good :’(