What on actual earth?


So I was minding my own business and getting dressed and noticed that my boyfriend sent me a message. He wanted me to come over tonight but I already made plans with my friends and I need to be at church tomorrow morning. I told him that I could probably swing by on my way back and he says “ok whatever”. I made a post about this before about our children’s pastor and how he just died and I mentioned that to him and he again says “ok whatever”. I asked him what his problem was and he did “nothing what’s yours?” I again mentioned the pastor and he tells me that his close friend just died a couple days ago too. I said so you understand how I feel I don’t see why me wanting to be at church and with the kids is a problem. He then says that he’s sick of my attitude and the bs but I’ve been really nice and have allowed him to do things I normally wouldn’t let anyone do and he’s never acted like this so I didn’t see where this was coming from. He said he was sick of the diseases (I had gotten chlamydia we were in an open relationship btw). I tried asking him to explain what he went and he starts saying bye and telling that he was going to take a nap and I asked him if we could talk about it later and he said that he didn’t know. I just don’t understand where all this is coming from we were talking about getting married and that and now he’s saying all of this. I’m very confused and I just don’t know what to do. Any advice?

Update He showed me his friend’s obituary and said she died two days ago but she died last week and he was with me sleeping while they were having her funeral.