Second baby 👶🏻💙

My due date was 15th November. Had a membrane sweep on 21st (was 2cm dilated then), started losing my mucus plug in bits over the next few days, contractions started 3am on 23rd. They were mild, on and off all day but after picking my son up from school they started getting very intense.

I struggled through the contractions until about 8pm. They were coming every 8-10 mins, very painful. By 9pm they were every 6 mins and so my husband drove me to the hospital.

By this time I was in serious pain. I was checked over and dilated at 5cm. Midwife gave me entinox (gas & air) but it didn’t help to ease the pain, just made me feel light headed. The contractions were coming every 2 mins. I was crying at this point and asking for an epidural. The midwives said it was too late...they quickly rushed me to the delivery suite, I soon felt like I needed to push and hopped on the bed straddling the bed frame in an upright position. 2 pushes and baby was out. No tearing this time round (I had 2nd degree tearing with my first) to my delight. We arrived at the hospital at 9:30pm, my son was born 8lbs at 10:23pm so all very quick! Absolutely loving my beautiful boy. 💙