preseed (please help)

who has used preseed and worked for them i had 4kids with my ex husband and never had a problem getting pregnant i actually fell pregnant the first time we would try. i am trying to get pregnant with my now boyfriend first time we had unprotected sex was feb and no luck till right now i was told i had a cyst on one of my ovaries with my 3rd pregnancy but it wasn't to big after i had bby #4 i was told i had cyst on both ovaries not one but several but that they were small and would go away on their own i was put on bc pills but i just took em for 2weeks cause i was bleeding those 2weeks i was taking the pills. now i did got pregnant in july but ended in miscarriage at 6wks 5days had my first cycle Aug 22nd and sep 18th i got my bfp ones again ended in miscarriage at 5wks first cycle oct 26th and just started today once again we start BD right away once af stops and no luck i am thinking on getting preseed this time i know i am ovulating because i take opks and have gotten positive