Help Please! Thanks Ladies!


I️’ve never needed help figuring out my ovulation date because I️’m typically like clock work where my opk & cm aligns, then confirmed by bbt. However, after getting terrible semen analysis results, I️ was down about them & didn’t bbt this month. We decided to keep ttc anyway while trying to improve his #’s because what can it hurt? I️ typically have a 27-28 day cycle & use clearblue digital opk (regular not advanced). I️ normally get my solid smiley around cd 11-cd 13. Usually stays solid for 2 days then goes neg again. Tried different brands this month & now I️m sooo confused! I️ can’t tell if I️ even ovulated! Can anyone help out? All 3 <a href="">fertility apps</a> had me ovulating on 22nd, but yet my opk’s look dark yet? I’ve NEVER had this many close lines...when I️ break open clearblue digital my lines were always very noticeable on which day was my peak. And I️ had cm unusually longer this month...from last sat all the way until yesterday! Today is the first day of sticky cm. Thanks so much for your input!