Am I wasting my time on him?

So I’ve been talking to this guy for about 4 months now and we do mess around. He’s from my town but lives an hour away because of school but we still manage to see each other when he comes to town. About a week ago he invited me to his friends birthday where he lives and I went and slept over. On thanksgiving we hung out again and I straight up told him that I liked him and if he liked me too (but I only told him because I was a little tipsy but I also wanted to tell him.) He told me he liked me too but he wants to get to know me more before we get into a relationship. Although he told me liked me, I don’t know if he really does want me or not or if he just wants to mess around with me.

And by mess around I mean like we have done stuff such as eating me out and being fully naked. Except for actually putting it in, if that makes any sense.

When I first got back in touch with him I didn’t want anything serious but as I got to know him more and spent more time with him I began to really like him.

But yeah idk If I should’ve told him or not. Or idk if I’m over thinking this. I overthink everything. So does anybody think I’m wasting my time on this guy or give a chance? And like how long does the guy need to get to know me more? Should I wait another 5 months or so or?? Like I said I over think a lot😭😭 I wish I didn’t but I do