Might put him down....

My husband and I have an old dog. He is reaching a point in his life where he is pain most of the time, has a hard time walking and really hard time getting up off his bed or the floor. He gets random shoots of pain that he just shoots off his bed and will end up hurting himself. He has a hard time getting and down the porch stairs to go potty as well. The vet said he needs a special pain med, but it costs too much for us to refill every 2 weeks. He also doesn't eat well all the time. We have to move soon and would have to leave him with my MIL, but if we did she would feed him all kinds of human food that the vet said he can't have anymore. He would vain weight like crazy and wouldn't be able to get up at all. He is blind in 1 eye and has really bad teeth that we most likely are going to have removed. We have been talking though, and we think it may be time to put our sweet boy to sleep. He has had a fantastic life and seems to be in pain more often than not. I don't want to, but I don't like watching him suffer. I will miss him so much! Why does this decision have to be so hard?? I don't want to end his life too soon, but he hurts a lot. I am so torn!!! 😭😢💔