I want a baby so bad:(


I have one child from a previous relationship and she is my world!! No doubt my greatest blessing!! She is now 7 and I am now married to another man. We have been TTC for almost a year and have had one miscarriage in the beginning. It’s so disheartening month after month and still getting negatives. I always say to him it was much easier the first time when I wasn’t even trying or expecting it to happen. After my daughter I never imagined it would be so hard to get pregnant again. I try to stay positive and most days I am but today It’s really getting to me.... oh what I would give to have another precious little blessing. I want to give my husband a baby, he loves my daughter as his own no doubt, but he wants the experience of a baby also, which is understandable. He didn’t let it show I know Bc he sees me upset about it but I know month after month he is just as disappointed when those lines don’t show up. So I guess there isn’t really a certain point to this post other than to express my feelings. It’s just so hard sometimes.