Quitting coffee tips?

Anyone here have tips on quitting the addiction of drinking coffee?

I want to stop drinking coffee completely. I’ve tried many times to stop but I just come back to it. Although I absolutely love coffee, it’s not good for my health (especially since I put tons of sugar and creamer in it).

Coffee truly is an addiction for me. Some may say coffee isn’t that bad for you however I believe any addiction is bad, and I have a true addiction to coffee that I need to break! Sometimes I don’t even want it that much yet my brain tells me I need it (and I always cave in and drink it 😣).

Just fyi: I drink 2-3 cups daily, and have been for years. And not just in the morning, it’s throughout the day.

So please, if you’ve successfully kicked your coffee habit/addiction please do share how you’ve done that! It would be very appreciated! 🧡