A big O question! 🤔😁 Read below

Naturally.Whitnee • TTC #4; Married 💏 09.23.2017 girl (8) boy (5) boy (1) and team green baby is due Feb 2021💓

Sooo fertile window is Nov 21-27. Hubby and i bd on the 21 and 23. Ovulation day is predicted for the today (25th). I know checking cm isnt the most reliable but ive bn checking it and its bn a creamy lotiony type. On the 23rd i checked it when i woke up an it was creamy lotiony but 4 later in full foreplay action with hubby i felt (sorry for tmi) like i peed on myself i had that much cm and it was ewcm 🤔 is it possible big o day moved but or should i still bd today??? As of today cm is creamy lotiony yet again.

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