Do you make your own baby food?


Our 6 month old loves solids and it’s getting pretty intense keeping track of everything to make sure he’s trying nutritious, delicious, and diverse foods. We’ve tried the pouches (but not the cups) of prepared baby food, which are super convenient but the selection seems pretty limited in terms of different kinds of food for him to try. We mostly make our own food for him: cut up and cook veggies until they’re really tender or offer small chunks of soft fruits. Honestly, we mostly do that over store bought food because he seems to prefer it and because it’s fun to try new things and watch his reactions 😄But, it’s getting kind of annoying trying to come up with what to feed him every day and making sure we have enough of it fresh.

I’d love to hear what other moms do for food for their 6-12 month olds and any life hacks to make it easier.

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