How ironic lol

Cheyanne • ♠♎♠

So my bf has this crazy ex gf who has broke his heart and continues to but into his life here and there, texting him hope all is well and just trying to start conversation. She is the kind of person who wants to have her cake and eat it to so although she has a bf, she wants my bfs attention as well. Anyways, I found out in may I was pregnant with our little girl and we were both over the moon! She initially said congrats to him but would still try and text him and comment on his fb stuff etc. I told him to delete her off fb and he did but re added her after her texting asking why he deleted her (because why does it fuckin matter right?) anyhow we just find out via social media on thanksgiving she randomly is they had been separated for years and now he's having a baby, she decides to go against everything she stands for (married first etc) and gets pregnant lol like what a fuckin psychopath