Formula + Breast Milk


Okay so I delivered via c-section last Wednesday and due to some complications, I was unable to attempt breast feeding until day 3, and my milk did not actually come in until day 5. Anyways, baby girl received formula.

So now, she is still receiving formula in addition to breast milk which she receives from a bottle. My pediatrician has me stressed about this though and keeps telling me I just need to go full on with breast feeding bc that's what is best for baby. However, I think a fed baby is best. I tried feeding from the breast, with the help of several lactation consultants, and she's never really taken to it without assistance from my husband who returns to work tomorrow. When I try to do it alone, we (baby an I) both end up crying.

So basically I need a pep talk on how to talk to my pediatrician on Monday so he will actually help me with what I want to do, as well as advice from moms who have split formula 50/50. I believe some breast milk is better than none but I also know my baby is happier with both in her life. Gah. Sorry this was long - I'm just at a loss on the right thing to do for my baby!