looking for advice


Hello Ladies! so this is my first month trying and so far I feel like I'm doing everything right but somewhere in the back of my mind I feel like I'm still missing something I've been reading a bunch of articles on do's and don'ts and how to better your chances and so on and so on. I've been paying very close attention to my cm and was sure to try on my most fertile day which was when I had a lot of egg whites type of cm. This was on the 15th of this month. my period has always been pretty regular it's only been late by a day or two maybe 2 or 3 times ever. it's supposed to start again here in about 3 days and I'm just curious how soon have any of you tested? I want to test now but at the same time I feel like 10 days isn't long enough. is this true? Have any of you got a positive test sooner than 10 days? I know it's best to just wait to see if i get my period but Im anxious to know now. what would you do in this situation looking for all the advice I can find.