Long distance relationship is...

I'm in a LDR.. almost 4 years (on an offs of course), we are both 19. We haven't met yet but planned to in late December or January.. he had just finished classes he failed and was suppose to get a job to come here. (All his idea, I wanted to help) but now he's saying he cannot find a job. (I'm not worried about that, I'm bummed but not worried about it) but I went to my mom for some advice/to vent about it. Saying I dunno if he even looked for the jobs or not but I hope he did. And she laid out some pretty rough words. She hasn't really been to fancy about my LDR in the first place, always calling him childish & stuff, but now she's saying she doesn't see us working out & she doesn't see us meeting ever. (I said I would go to him) she isn't understanding at all and she keeps saying she's not trying to discourage me but I feel she is. I just come to her in my time of need for her to listen & she always fills my ears with negative and hurtful things.. I don't know what to do right now