C-section tomorrow


This is my 4th pregnancy. I've never gone past 38 weeks and 6 days due to HG.

Tomorrow I'll be 39 weeks exactly and will be having a c-section it's not my personal choice it's due to not having the facilities in town to have a VBAC. We are so excited for the day to finally be here. Nervous as hell but it isn't my first rodeo. It's his first rodeo though. Today he is out on the header harvesting and will be until late tonight unless the expected thunderstorms roll in. I'm washing and cooking and doing all those things to prepare the house for this babies homecoming. My three other kids are currently on their best behaviour. What else is an expectant mumma to do before her baby arrives. I was so sure he wouldn't come early I haven't even got my bag packed 😂 to say I'm unprepared is an understatement!!