Working mom depression.

The thought of going to work on Monday seriously depresses me. Not because I hate my job. I love my job but because I have had the past four days off due to the holiday and I have LOVED being with my baby. I have always thought I should have been a stay at home mom but financially it’s not an option for me and my family. It haven’t even had an appetite today just thinking about going back to work. I know my baby is in good hands and I trust my MIL to take excellent care of her. I mean she has been for months now but I still feel like I’m missing out on her life and I hate that. I hate the fact that my husband and I are both educated people with very nice jobs and very financially sound decisions and we still can’t afford for me to stay home yet every girl I’m friends with has a baby daddy who reads water meters or works as a mechanic can stay home. I don’t get it and I can’t help but be jealous. Which I know isn’t right but it’s just so unfair.