Cat is having a hard time coping with baby


Hello everyone,

Ever since my baby started to be more active my “gentle cat” (I have 2) began to pee on our furniture, clothes on the floor, and now my baby’s toys. I don’t know what to do nor why he started doing this.

He was fixed when he was a kitten so I know he is not trying to mark his territory. Also, he is part siamese which makes him freak out more than any other breed.

We try to make sure the liter box is always clean and we use liter for multicats.

Today he pee on my baby’s plush toy and that was the last straw for my husband.

He wants to take him to the pound first thing in the morning 😩

I really don’t know what to do!

Has anyone experienced this? If so what did you foto fix the problem?


Thank you ladies for your advices, husband will buy another litter box and we are setting up our bedroom as their play area. Also, making an appointment with his vet first thing in Monday.

I’m trying to convince him to either buy a cat tower or make them a catio, wish me luck!