Saw rapist after 3 years... can't stop crying

From 13 to 16 I was in an abusive relationship.

He raped, manipulated, sexually assaulted, and abused me for 3 years.

I was abused as a child and didn't understand that his actions towards me were not normal.

I reported him at age 16, where he pled guilty. Because there was no hard evidence, he was let free and only had to take classes. My parents didn't want anything to do with me or the case. I now had severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD because of him, even though I am embarrassed to say it.

He never took my NO as an answer. He always disregarded what I had to say. Even after I reported him, he told the whole highschool that I reported him falsely and that I'm a liar.

My highschool even put me in 2 classes with him after I reported and would not take me out of them. I attempted suicide on January 2016 by overdose and spent 16 days in the ICU, fighting for my life..

Only after I tried to kill myself, my high school finally took me seriously and removed him from my classes.

I carried on my word and story, by presenting two educational presentations to the whole 600+ students of my high school, one of dating violence and the second one of sexual abuse and suicide.

I ended up moving to a college to finish highschool (my highschool had to pay for it).

Fast forward to now: I am now 20 months clean from cutting, got accepted into college, got accepted into nursing school in August, and am now a nursing student.

Everything is going pretty well. I am learning everyday how to manage my depression better and better.

I was at the mall working at Bath and Body works and guess who came to my cash register?

My rapist. The male who forever changed who I am. The male who may have tried to break me down, but has instead made me make myself the strongest individual I ever knew I could be.

I calmly thought of him as anyone else and looked him stright in the eyes and gave a Thank you after checking him out.

Thank you.

Thank you for making me stronger.

Thank you for pushing me to a point where I thought the only way out was suicide.

Thank you for breaking me down to a point of pure agony, for little do you know that I am living my dream right now and plan to become a SANE RN to help others in my shoes, despite when you have put me through.

Thank you for allowing me to experience the most challenging situation a 16 year old should never face.

Thank you for teaching me how to always stand up for myself and fight for justice.

Thank you showing me the ugly in the world, for every day after January 2016 is a gift, a second chance at life.