Dealing with mother in law for the sake of my baby😔

My husband and I are currently living in a 1 bedroom apartment, with both our incomes it's still not working as we have things to pay off and now that there is a baby on the way it's going to be tough! I don't have family and my husband only has his mother who offered to help us financially meaning my husband and her would purchase a house together as I don't have a good enough credit score just yet would take at least 3 years to be approved at a bank! but my MIL is so over my husband as he is her "BABY"

she manipulates and has my husband wrapped around her finger when she wants however mine and her relationship is okay we have an understanding with each other but when it comes to my hubby it's like we tugging and pulling him! I'm about to become a mother and I want my baby to have stability and I do need help! She is willing to help but I know I will have to deal with her shit that comes along with it😕

What would you do if you were in my situation tho??