Conner Jerome Little IV πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ˜


Woke up on 11/25 with some weird sharp cramps and the strong urge to clean even though I hate cleaning.Β 

I wiped everything down. Then around 11 started laundry. I felt perfectly fine. No cramps or anything.Β 

It was around 1:30 pm I was waiting for the clothes to dry. Hubby made some delicious nachos so I sat down to eat. Had 1 chip and realized I didn’t have water. Got up to get some candy cane flavor tea (sounds gross but is really good!). My water broke then and there.Β 

I had planned to pack my clothes for the hospital after they had dried but baby boy had different plans πŸ˜‚

We went straight to the hospital and my pad was no match for the amount of fluid I was leaking. Went up and waited 2 hours to get tested for a positive amniotic fluid test. Apparently everyone was going into labor today! There was a bus load of women in labor and delivery.

Got into my labor room at 3:30 and felt no pain at all. I was having contractions but not dilating πŸ˜’ after another hour of nothing I decided to take pitocin despite the scary stories everyone shares it was not that bad. I even slept threw the pain for 3 hours.Β 

Let me tell you guys I have no pain tolerance at all. I cry when I get shots or get a scratch from my cat. I was so sure it was going to be hell but I really wasn’t so bad till 3 hours in.

After that I decided to get an epidural which wasn’t so scary just uncomfortable. It’s weird to not be able to feel your legs or move them. I’m under 5 feet tall and they we a little worried I might not be able to breath but I was OK πŸ‘ŒΒ 

I came in at 1:30pmΒ 4 cm dilated and at 10:30pm I was at 10 cm! I thought he would be ready at 12am that night but my son dropped down really low and despite the epidural I felt knifes in my butt πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ nurse said he was using my tailbone as a slide and I was not having that.

I was surprised that I felt better when I pushed and was very concerned about pooping lmao. I pushed for 30 mins and out he came! Hubby cut his cord and stayed with our son till I could hold him skin to skin.

He’s 6 pounds even, 18 inches long. Born at 11:05 pm on 11/25 he was supposed to come December 6th! He’s a champ at latching, quiet and didn’t cry despite getting 2 shots. He’s got a head full of hair just like mine! He’s perfectly perfect in every way. ❀️ 

Welcome to the world Conner Jerome Little IV! We love you and I cant wait to see what you become πŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈ