Am I over reacting?

I’d try and cut a long story short.

I’m a single parent of a 6 and 2 yo.

Their Dad is still very much around; he lives same village and asks about us nearly every day.

He sees them on a Sunday from 10ish-6pm at his Mum and Dad’s house as he is 26 and still lives at home.

So, I get the hump because he works and has 2 days off a week. He doesn’t tell me when these days are, nor does he come and see his kids on these days.

I moan at him because he NEVER offers to take my Daughter to her swimming, trampolining or dance lessons in the week. All this I do alone, with a 2 year old in tow, which as you can imagine is stressful.

Once or twice he shows up at trampolining if he comes to our house afterwards, which is maybe once a month. We normally go swimming afterwards which I tell him and he doesn’t bring his stuff - he says he’s not going in because ‘he doesn’t want to’ (I don’t WANT to! Jesus Christ, who WANTS to go swimming in November?! No one, I do it because my children enjoy it.) he sill sit and watch.

Anyway, I don’t begrudge him seeing his friends which I know he doesn’t a lot. But he puts on Facebook that he’s out for dinner or whatever and it really grinds my gears! He can’t have his kids over night but can happily go out for dinner?!

🛑 TWICE this YEAR he’s had them overnight. TWICE! 🛑

And I think a lot of the time he only has them on a Sunday because his Mum and Dad ask for them.

Now I’m not saying he’s not a good Dad, more that he’s a 26 year old man-child that doesn’t know a good thing when it hits him!

So do I have a right to be a little bit peeved off?

Or am I just more annoyed because he gets to go out with his friends and I don’t; I can’t remember the last time I went out without the kids. Literally my life is them, and going to bed at 7:30pm. 👏🏻

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