false positive

Emily • Navy Wife ⚓🇺🇸 mom of 1 👧🏼 TTC #2 👶🏻 PCOS Fighter💪🏻

so I know us ladies with pcos get told to not use opks because our hormones just throw out false positives at random moments but I'm curious if it's still a false positive if you get more than one positive in a row?

I had a positive on CD 14 which I thought was really random because I didn't have any pain and had just finished taking femara a few days prior but yesterday I tested twice (am and pm )and both were positive as well! I've been having really bad back pain and stabbing pains in my hip for about a week but that all stopped yesterday 🤔

also... for extra info... I had a temp drop between yesterday and today of .66 degrees!