Help?!?! Idk what to do...

So I never post on here but I’ve had a terrible feeling for days now. Not exactly sure what it is but my bf and I were fine, absolutely nothing weird, doing our normal stuff and then all of a sudden it’s like he became non existent. He’s gotten like this before when he isn’t feeling anything at all and would rather be alone, which I totally get but still I’m worried he might not be okay. All my text messages say delivered, however when I call it goes straight to voicemail, now I’m not trying to panic just worried about everything. We are currently in a long distance relationship, but we have plans for him to come see me in less than 3 months. Also one last thing he talks to my mom on the regular and hasn’t responded to her either so not sure what to do. Only looking for some positive advice on how to handle this. Thanks!