Not Pregnant - Long post


I was supposed to get my period last Friday. I was a nervous wreck. I was crying at work and stressing over the idea that I might get my period that day. But it didn't come that Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday. My family came into town for Thanksgiving on Wednesday. My husband knows me so well, he knew that if we took a pregnancy test before they came, I'd be dying to tell them so it was better to wait. So we waited and still no period! We were so excited. I was planning out in my head how I could tell my family at Christmas and how excited my mom would be! And then, last night, 8 days after AF was due, I got my period. I just cried and cried and hoped my family couldn't hear me. They leave today but I'm not sure how to put on a happy face until then. What makes this harder is that my husband and I are fairly observent Jews (mixed religion family) so when I get my period, we don't touch, kiss, hold each other until my period is done and I go the mikvah, or ritual bath. So I'm sad and he's sad, but we can't hold each other. I'm trying to stay positive: things happen for a reason, its all part of G-ds plan, G-g thinks we're not ready yet. So what can we do to be more ready? Pay off my student loans, talk about and work on time management with my husband, save more money... We're doing really well on most other fronts: we exercise regularly, eat healthy, we're good with money. I'm going to get my hubby to start logging this month into the app and we'll take a deep breath and keep on trying. I just needed to vent and process. Thanks for listening fellow TTC-ers. Prayers and baby dust to all you ladies. Our time will come.