Success with dear clomid


Hello ladies I just wanted to share my story. I am 25 years old, Hispanic with a long line of very fertile women in my family. Lol! I have been with my hubby all together for 9 years since we were little high schoolers. Been married for a little bit over 2 years now. I feel very blessed with the man God created for me.

We began trying for a while year with no success. Then one November afternoon 2016 I got a BFP but ended up miscarrying. We were heartbroken! After 3 months we began trying again with no success for about 5 months which at that point it was July of this year, my doctor decided to put me on clomid. First month I took it was 50 mg a day. I used it along with preseed, evening primrose pills and already on prenatals. Bam I got pregnant the first month on Clomid! We were jumping with joy in August when I got my BFP. September at 7 weeks unfortunately it ended as another miscarriage but we were okay because our faith was still intact.

We tested our baby because my dr kept attributing it to chromosomal issues. My husband got tested and so did I. But in my heart I knew that had nothing to do with my miscarrying. Mind you all I have PCOS, antiphospholipid syndrome and mthfr (c677t). Thank God the chromosomal tests came back good. That definitely was not the issue. 🙌🏻 I was not happy that he was still insisting on it so I switched back to my former ob/gyn and she is just wonderful. I have no clue why I ever switched when she is just great! Found out my miscarriages can more than likely be due to very low progesterone levels. My dr started me on a oral progesterone. Starting 3 dpo I was to take 200 mg orally for 10 days. If I got a negative I would stop taking them. But if I got a BFP I am to continue taking the pills daily. Okay fast forward to my AF visit after being cleared by my ob to continue on my TTC path.

We waited for my body to recover and October after my first normal period my dr put me back on clomid. I got my second AF and I followed the exact same regimen as last time. I figured if it worked for me once before it might work for me again. I am a POAS addict okay especially because both of my prior pregnancies I got my BFP way before my missed AF. Each time I just had this crazy gut feeling. 1 dpo I was already testing. I have no clue why I put my self through that small heartbreak when I know it’s impossible to get a positive so early. I kept testing up until 8 dpo with a BFN each time. I am one to feel when I ovulate without even having to do opks. I get this stabbing pain in my lower abdomen and this crazy warmth to my abdomen that radiates down my leg depending whatever side I’m ovulating from. I normally ovulate from my left ovary. After I ovulate I started with intense boob pain, lower back pain, extremely gassy, very vivid dreams, my starvation episodes and a huge white creamy/milky vag discharge. Oh and more tired than the usual. 9 and 10 dpo I didn’t test because I felt I would just be put through another heart break. Last night we went out with some friends to have dinner and then entire time my mind was just on stopping at Walmart to buy some 88 cent tests. By the end of our dinner our friends wanted to make a Walmart Tun as well to buy some last minute Christmas decorations for their home. I purchased the tests, we got home around 1 am. I walked straight into the restroom and took the test. I waited 5 minutes looked at it and this is what I saw.

I just want to say that God is great ladies! All in God’s timing. If it helps any of you I suggest the power of prayer. My husband and I come together in prayer every night and prayed to be given the opportunity to become parents. It looks like it worked! While we’re over the moon we are still hesitant because of our last 2 miscarriages. So until the 12 week mark we will probably be in our toes the entire time. I’m on a countdown for my drs office to open up tomorrow morning! Please don’t give up ladies and know you are not alone! It is a tough path to go down but it will be worth it! Just pray and pray and don’t give up! If the first month doesn’t work just keep your head up for the following month. God is always on our side, he sees our struggle and he will always come into your life when you least expect it! I am praying for every single one of you! Sorry for my long post! 💋🍁