Please help!

I take the birth control pill and I usually take it @2:30pm everyday. The pack I was taking, I forgot to take @2:30pm and took the pill the following morning. But then a few times I took it late @6:30pm. I messed up on it about 5 times. I still had 6 pills left in the pack, but started a new one because I was told to start over. I’m worried because

1. My boyfriend came in me twice the month where I had messed the pills up

2. I’m one week into the new pack and I’m spotting?

It’s early for my period considering my withdrawal pills are still 20 pills away. And my friend said spotting was a sign of pregnancy. Should I be worried? Would a test read correctly right now, if I’m not supposed to get my period for another 20 days? Please help😭