What to do????

*added* the reason I didn't do any color is because they just redid the inside of their entire home and I don't know what colors they have and I didn't want my colors to clash with theirs.

I made these for family members and I asked if you ladies thought they were cute or to throw them away. A lot of you didn't like them very much. So what can I do to make them better? I got 1 comment with really helpful ideas and I wanted to see what else could possibly be done.

This one is for my aunt and uncle in law. They LOVE everything Disney. Their home has all kinds of Disney stuff and they go to Disneyland or Disneyworld every year. I will be adding their marriage date as soon as I find out the date.

This one is for my little cousin that moved to Tonga with her family a few years ago. All of her mother's family, my cousin, is from and lives in Utah. She always talks about coming to America to see us.