3 kids!

So this is more of a vent because I have so many mixed emotions right now.

So December 2016, I started dating my current boyfriend. We had known each other for about 5 years at that point but had just gotten reconnected. At that point we were both 18, he had an almost 1 year old daughter and I was 8 months pregnant with mine. Yes, he started dating me when I was pregnant, I thought he was crazy!😩❤️Come January, his daughter turns 2 and I give birth to my baby girl. He has been her dad from the beginning as her “dad” has not been around once (I have full custody due to some personal circumstances). My parents generously let me stay with them while I finish my online schooling so that they could help me out until we’re ready to move out. Well now we’re 19, and we were ready. We’ve been looking around and everything has been going great for the both of us.

Well guess who just got a positive test the other day?

Approximately 5 weeks today. My first thought was that we couldn’t do this... We’re so young, and to have 2 kids is already a lot, never mind a third! But thats so much easier said than done. (I have always been pro choice when it comes to abortions, but always said that I’d never be strong enough to go through with it myself.)

So now we have a huge decision to make. My family has no clue yet and I would like to keep it that way until we know what’s going on, whereas some of his family knows and says we need to get everything together to keep this baby. Which tbh, they are right. Actions have consequences and we should take responsibility for ours.

I just need some positivity right now. This is going to be so difficult no matter what the outcome is and I can’t seem to calm down long enough to get my head wrapped around everything!