Loosing my virginity


I’m 15 going to be turning 16 and I have a boyfriend he is like my bestfriend I absolutely love him we get along so well and I am so comfortable with him and I think we will be together for a very long time. He gave up smoking/drinking for me entirely he said he’s so in love with me for making him a better person we both have been talking about making love to each other, and no not because others are doing it. It’s because I’ve been wanting to and I don’t feel pressured at all but I’ve been thinking about it for awhile and he says to wait u til I’m ready but I know I am but is my age to young to loose my virginity? My mom always tells me I better not be having sex or anything like that but I’m currently taking birth control and I would most definitely use protection!! But my mom is making me anxious about the situation I feel as if she would find out I would get into so much trouble with her. But anyway is my age to young? (16)