Husband is cheap

The more money my husband makes at work, the cheaper he is becoming. And I mean cheap. I'm a SAHM mom so I am not bringing any money in as I'm taking care of our kids (5 year old and 4 month old). I can't buy food out (but it's okay for HIM to decide when to buy food out for us), I can only buy what we need in terms of groceries, but even then he looks at what I get and comments on how I could've gotten a better deal elsewhere, or tells me I should use recipes with less ingredients And he's constantly on the bank accounts looking at how much I spend (when I HONESTLY don't- it's legit only necessities). Today it went as far as him commenting on how my nursing pads are expensive (a box is about $11-12 and it'll last me about 2-3 sometimes even 4 weeks). He "suggested" that I use washable/reusable pads since the ones I get are too expensive. I'm like seriously?! Not only am I breastfeeding which is FREE FOOD bec buying formula each week is EXPENSIVE but now I have to do something that is more of a hassle for me Bec you think it'll save you a few bucks! My response was for him to get reusable pads and wipe his ass with it in order to save some money on toilet paper. Then his response was "how did women do it back in the day working on the field"....grrr!!! He drives me MAD!!!! There's a reason why there are advancements in technology , medicine and child rearing!!!!😤😡😤 I mean am I wrong?!?!? Or Am I crazy?!