Mother in Law from Hell

So basically I've read some awful posts on here from mother in laws and I never thought I'd experience this. But my man's mother is literally absurd. The things she's said about me to him have made me cringe and she even went as far as saying to him INFRONT OF ME, "you need to be with someone who isn't detrimental to your daughters health" she said this because my child is 4 and decides getting up at 4 in the morning is a good time to be awake and I refuse to get up that early, 8:30 is wake up time. She stays in her bed and waits for me so I'm not concerned, his mom was just out of line. After that I decided she crossed a huge line with me. She wanted to have a thanksgiving dinner at my house because she has no one and I finally put my foot down. I said no, your mother does not respect me and I will not allow her in my home nor will I cook dinner for her. So tonight my man and daughter went over to her house for dinner and I stayed home with my fur baby. Ladies, do not give in to a rotten mother in law just because you think you have to. Just needed to share this!