Please help

I’m so cared right now. I started having sex with my boyfriend about two months ago. We use a condom every time and he always pull out. One time he forgot to bring a condom but he pulled out and I took the day after pill. I got my period so I knew I wasn’t pregnant. This week my boyfriend came down to spend thanksgiving with me and we had sex multiple times wearing a condom, but once he forgot to put it on and pulled out. I took the after day pill that same day, and on Thursday he left them in his truck and he pulled out but I didn’t take the day after pill until today( Sunday) I’m freaking out because there’s a chance a might be pregnant because we had unprotected sex, and I know better to always wear a condom. Also today I saw light spotting like a brownish color but it wasn’t a lot and I have heard about implantation bleeding. I didn’t start my fertility window until today but I’m still dead worried that I might be pregnant. Can somebody give me their opinions? I can only take nice comments right now

Thank you