Should I be concerned about my Paragard?


Sorry, this is going to be a long one.

I got my Paragard IUD inserted on November 3rd during my period (21, never been pregnant). I've had the IUD twice before, the first one was taken out because it fell out of place and the second one I opted to take out because I constantly felt like I could feel it in my body, even though during the removal my doctor told me it was still in place. It's been ~3 weeks since the new IUD's insertion. Insertion was much more painful this time than the first two times. Since then, I've been having really bad cramps, but they're different than regular menstrual cramps. I'm aware the first month is an adjustment period, but I've been keeping close to my heating pad and extra strength pain relief since getting it inserted. I've also been frequently nauseous and only after getting the IUD. The other night, I was in so much pain I was sure it perforated my uterus and was stabbing my organs. More likely, I just had very bad gas pains. I've had them before and know that could be a side affect of the IUD but this was different, when I pressed down into my abdomen it was a sharp, localized pain. I had a few gas relief chewables and eventually fell asleep. Today, I started off feeling fine but quickly went downhill. I'm exhausted (though I did have a busy weekend) and I became gradually more nauseous and lightheaded and all around feeling shitty throughout the day. Now, I'm having bad cramps again and running a low fever. I don't know if I should be concerned or if these are all normal symptoms so soon after getting the IUD. Any advice or personal stories or comforting words would be greatly appreciated