Boyfriends Mom


Guys I need some serious advice! My boyfriend who is 18 and I which I am 17 have been dating for 2 months, almost 3 in the middle of next month. Tonight he came over and we hung out all night. My parents were fine with him staying while they went to bed. Well his mom called and yelled at him to get home. Which is fine, normal Mom thing. But she yelled at him saying he’s grounded from seeing me & if she really has to she won’t let him date me. Saying maybe school is easier when he doesn’t have a girlfriend. (Apparently he has 1-2 bad grades.) and she was yelling at him saying she’s gonna take him phone/Xbox away & that he will be forbidden to date me. I don’t know what to do. He didn’t tell me this, I overheard his mom saying it. I need advice on what to do.