Induction and now she’s here!


My little girl is here! I was induced at 39+2 for elevated bp. I spoke with the doctor about how scared I was of pitocin because I have heard such horrible things about it. We decided to go with misoprostol instead. I had one dose at 945am and my contractions almost immediately started. I was 2 cm. Things ramped up quickly and my contraction grew more and more intense. They gave me phentonal to relieve some of the pain. It made me drowsy and worked on a few contractions and then they just got worse. I caved and got an epidural. The pain was so intense in my belly and my contractions were one on top of the other. I laid on my left side and the contraction pain started to subside but then I started feeling them again, intensely on my left side. They put me on my back to check and I was 8cm. Within 30 mins I was being told to push. It was the weirdest feeling to be pushing on an epidural (I didn’t have one with my first) because you can’t feel how hard you are pushing or really anything at all. A few good pushes and she was out almost 6 hours later! November 25th, 3:26pm,7lbs 1oz, 19in of pure sweetness! I can’t wait to go home and snuggle her. She unfortunately has jaundice and we are under the blue lights. Praying she kicks it quickly.