how do I do this??


hey everyone I just joined this group because I just started a LDR. he lives in California and I live in Utah. I met him online and I just went to visit him. he's amazing and I'm in extreme like. we defined the relationship on like the last night I was there. I'm moving there in a year and a half. I just got back the day before thanksgiving and it's been sooo hard being away from him. I don't know if its common to have the first visit just be like meeting him on a first date and no sex. but I stayed with him, met his parents, and we had a bunch of sex. it wasn't the best I've had but it was still really fun. we have great chemistry and being around each other is easy and fun. I feel like I can tell him anything and we've had some good talks about the future. both just me moving in with him, and marriage and kids. anyways I've never been in this situation and I need lots of advice and or tips that you all have.